This page gives a brief overview on each sudev project.
mizOS is an Artix-Runit based operating system that exists to make complex tasks easy to do. It comes with i3-gaps and a custom configuration file that handles things such as multi-monitor support, compositor (picom) toggling, screenshotting, and wifi management. It also comes with the "miz" script, which lets you easily install packages via pacman, update mizOS, and manage your runit services.
Get and contribute to mizOS development here: MizosuWareOS v4, sudevOS is an operating system completely built using Roblox Studio. It is the foundation of the entire sudev group. Currently, it sports a working Desktop Environment and window manager, complete with a working filesystem and a dock-like application launcher. Unlike sudevOS v3, sudevOS v4 isn't hard-coded. Meaning each component can easily be swapped out with another component, as long as it follows the operating system's structure. Much like a modern-day Linux system. Future updates to sudevOS will include a user-maintained repository for user-created apps, a package manager, and a w3m-style web browser.
sudevOS is not currently available on GitHub.